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First, open, shutdown sequence
Semiconductor boot sequence: 1 computer power supply -2 computer switch -3 total power -4 laser power -5Q drive -6 laser switch-7 current regulation

Semiconductor shutdown sequence: 7 current adjustment to 0.0A-6 laser switch -5Q drive switch -4 laser power -3 total power - note out of the marking software and computer system shutdown -1 computer power supply


Second, the semiconductor water tank maintenance
1, every 15-30 days to clean up the air filter, according to the actual use of the environment to change the cleaning cycle, frequency.
2, clean up the chiller every month, replace the cooling water (distilled water) once
3, the tank temperature in the 25 ℃ -28 ℃ (summer work environment temperature high-profile to 27.5 °, low-temperature work environment in winter to 25 °).


Third, the marking software exception rule out (or call the day policy engineer)
Check the USB data cable, dongle whether loose, off. No abnormalities can try to re-restore the system (restart the computer, press the F11 key to automatically restore the system)


Fourth, the red bias
The position indicated by the red light does not coincide with the carved position. Need to adjust the red light as follows:
Turn on the parameter (F3) --- Other ---- Red indicator, then adjust the offset position in the red indicator X Y Adjust the red position to the correct position. Red light if the situation can be modified small (red light) inside - the proportion of size


Fifth, the machine room temperature requirements
The room where the machine temperature requirements: 18 ℃ above -30 ℃ below


Six, the machine clean, maintenance
1, regular (one month) to clean up the dust inside the machine to ensure that the machine internal cleaning. Also according to the machine where the environment changes the cleaning frequency
2, the maximum power processing machine to be controlled at 90% or less, a long time over 90% power work will lead to excessive attenuation of laser power and reduce service life
3, the use of the machine under wet conditions may cause the machine internal circuit short circuit and damage to components.

Copyright 2016-2018 Wenzhou Tiance Laser Equipment Co., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
Add;No.12,Xigongxi Road,Xitai Village,Champion Town,Longwan District,Wenzhou City,China.
Tel:0577-55560938 Contact:Mr.Wu Mobile:15057561858